Four Lomos Front.jpg



Lomo Anamorphic Lenses

We're proud to have the only set of TLS-rehoused Lomos in the NYC-area. TLS is widely considered to be the pinnacle in cinema lens rehousings around the world, and while they've primarily made a name for themselves with spherical lens rehousings, the Lomo Round Fronts are the only set of vintage anamorphic lens you can send to them for rehousing. The fact that they chose the Lomos speaks volumes about the quality and beauty of this glass - the same glass chosen by Vantage in Germany to make their first set of anamorphics, their Hawk C-Series.

Their look is uniquely beautiful. The Lomo Round Fronts give a surprisingly sharp and contrasty image (even at their widest aperture) with gentle fall-off at the corners. They have all of the best characteristics of vintage anamorphics, including subtle barrel distortion (as opposed to the less desirable pincushion distortion) among the wider focal lengths, a beautiful oval bokeh (as opposed to the bean-shaped bokeh of their predecessors, the Lomo Square Fronts), and the most natural and organic, beautifully etherial veiling and rainbow and horizontal blue streaking lens flares. Flares can be flagged off and avoided, but if they’re wanted, these Lomo flares are the type that modern anamorphic lenses attempt (and fail) to copy.


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Loved your TLS Lomos! Beautiful lenses and amazing functionality.
— Ava Berkofsky, ASC

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Modernized by True Lens Services (TLS)

TLS has established itself as the go-to option in cinema lens rehousings, due to their robust mechanical reliability - their beautiful aesthetic designs are just a nice cherry on top. Unfortunately, the Lomo Round Fronts (and Hawk C-series) have been passed over for a number of projects over the decades, due to many sets falling into less-than-optimal mechanical calibration, and their lack of internal focus, which is just inherent for their older designs.

With the modern design of TLS's metalwork, they're brought into the modern era of professional cinema lens designs, which uses a cam driven focus system, so that the lenses become completely internal focus. This means the front metalwork and glass does not rotate or telescope forwards/backwards at all, allowing the use of clip-on matte boxes. To top things off, TLS improved the close focus of each lens, so while diopters can be used with these rehoused lenses, there may be situations or shots where they aren't even needed since the lenses can focus close enough.


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Wrangler Commercial


Prior to the rehousing, this spot was shot on the Emulsion Pictures set of Lomo Round Front Anamorphics.

Shot using the Alexa Mini.

Dir: Ed McCulloch

DP: Paul Meyers, ASC


Passing Trailer


Trailer for the feature film, ‘Passing’ shot on Lomo Round-Front Anmorphics and Alexa Mini.

Dir: Rebecca Hall

DP: Edu Grau, ASC AEC


I Think We’re Alone Now Trailer


Trailer for the feature film, I Think We’re Alone Now, shot on Lomo Round-Front Anmorphics and Alexa Mini.

Dir / DP: Reed Morano, ASC


Sound of the Heart JBL Commercial


Dir: Julian J Acosta

DP: Sean Bagley

Shot with Lomo Round Front Anamorphics with Alexa Mini


Origins Sol Beer Commercial


Dir: Stacey Smith & Anthony Mathile

DP: Guillermo Garza

Shot with Lomo Round Front Anamorphics


Children of the Canal - Los Tiempos del Agua Demo/Trailer


Dir: Kane Kwik

DP: Jordi Planell AMC

Shot with Lomo Round Front Anamorphics


Saria Short film trailer


Trailer for the short film, Saria, shot with Lomo Round Front Anamorphics. Nominated for Best Short Film (Live Action) Academy Award.

Dir: Bryan Buckley

DP: Galo Olivares


Somos Madero Levi’s Commercial


Dir: Matias Penachino & Emilio Valdes

DP: Sergio Granados

Shot with Lomo Round Front Anamorphics


ARXIV Short film trailer


Dir: Ilya Abulkhanov

DP: Sean Bagley

Shot with Lomo Round Front Anamorphics with ARRI Alexa Mini & 435ES 35mm Film Camera

Link to 19 minute short film:




Learn more about the look of the Lomo Round-Front Anamorphics and see what they looked like before rehousing.